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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Statement on universities and the latest public health recommedations

12 Oct 2020
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After the petition issued by the public health authorities, the Inter-university Council of Catalonia and all 12 public universities met on 12 October to find ways to contribute to containing the index of infections in Catalonia by reducing mobility among university community members. A new meeting will be held on 13 October and therefore, all university activities will continue as usual on Tuesday and Wednesday.   

Logo of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Logo of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Those attending the meeting emphasised the fact that universities have demonstrated to be safe places, both for studying and for the development of all activities taking place there. The Public Health Department has requested that, for 15 days, universities reduce their in-person activities as much as possible and offer online classes and seminars, without affecting practical sessions, exams or research activities. As a university community, we find ourselves compelled to contribute to halting this pandemic which once again is reaching concerning figures.  

On 13 October, a new meeting will take place with all the universities and the Secretary of Universities and Research to assess and coordinate the most adequate actions needed to reduce in-person teaching activities to help diminish mobility to and from universities. We will await for the official recommendations to arrive from the Public Health Department and the specific measures we will need to adopt. Therefore, Tuesday and Wednesday all university activities will continue to take place as usual.    

Once the specific measures are established for the universities, the Governing Team will work with the directing teams of each faculty and the executive administrator in order to put them into practice.  

We will continue to inform the university community of any updates through the UAB website and other institutional channels. 

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Quality education
