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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Sponsorship campaign for making CROMA children visit the UAB

29 Jan 2015
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FAS launches a sponsorship campaign to collect funds so that the 520 children that benefit from the CROMA programme visit the UAB on 14 May. Everybody who wants to collaborate can do it through the website Goteo.org.
For four consecutive years, hundreds of children participating in the CROMA programme, managed by the FAS, have come to the UAB campus as closure of the workshops of the programme and they have seen the university together with the volunteers of the programme. For one day, children can see the day-to-day of the university. This activity allows presenting the university and higher education as an option for the future of these children with fewer chances. By means of interactive workshops, they discover what they can study and learn at the UAB and so they get closer to the different areas of knowledge. The activities are prepared and coordinated jointly with UAB teaching staff and they are, for example, entering a courtroom and simulating a trial at the Faculty of Law, or entering a TV set in the Faculty of Communication Sciences and taking the role of presenter, floor manager or person interviewed. Other activities are learning that liquid nitrogen can make trains levitate and checking it with their own eyes or knowing firsthand the veterinary hospital.

The CROMA programme has grown year after year. Today it is established in 28 schools of Badia del Vallès, Barberà del Vallès, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Rubí, Sabadell, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Santa Coloma de Gramenet and Terrassa and more than 100 student volunteers participate in this programme.

As a consequence of this growing, the FAS has proposed the challenge that 520 children from different centres visit the UAB on 14 May, 220 more than last year.

Campaign in Goteo.org

"CROMA children come to the UAB – 14 May 2015". This is the name of the FAS project in the website for sponsorship Goteo.org with the objective of collecting funds to finance this activity.

Goteo.org is a website based on rounds; it allows achieving economic challenges in relation to a project. In this case, the FAS will make the first round from 10 February to 21 March and the objective is to gather 3,500 Euros to finance the buses. The second round will be from 22 March to 30 April and its objective will be to collect 2,000 Euros for the t-shirts of volunteers and children. In addition, the campaign also allows asking for collaborations in kind, such as offering free services or making the design of the t-shirt for free, or a donation of t-shirts.

At the same time, Goteo offers the possibility that participants receive a reward for their donation proportional to the amount. Whoever makes a donation to the CROMA project may be mentioned in the FAS website, or get a t-shirt of the activity, or may become a digital drawing or the possibility of participating in the activity, among others.If you want to know more or collaborate, you just have to follow this link. This video of the participants presenting the initiative was published for the campaign.
