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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Six UAB students awarded "la Caixa" grants for master's degrees and PhDs

24 May 2017
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Starting in September, Maria Claret, Antonio García, Laia Herrero, Irene Martí, Beatriz Martín and Patricia Molina, all graduate students at the UAB, will continue their master's degree or PhD studies at universities located in the UK and Denmark thanks to the grants they have received from the "la Caixa" Foundation.
Acte de lliurament de les beques de
Foto: Fundació Bancària "la Caixa".
Six UAB students were awarded grants from the "la Caixa" Foundation to carry out postgraduate studies at different universities in Europe during the 2017/18 academic year. This year a total of 65 grants have been awarded to students from around Spain. The awards ceremony took place on 23 May and included the attendance of Armand Sánchez, Vice-Rector for Research and Transference.

Five of the students will be studying in the United Kingdom. Maria Claret received a grant to continue her studies in the master's degree in Middle Eastern and Arabian Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies of London. Antonio García will do his PhD studies in Biophysics at Oxford University. Irene Martí will study a master's degree in Cultural Heritage at the University College London. Patricia Molina will also be attending the same university, where she will be taking a master's degree in Neurosciences. And Beatriz Martín will be taking a master's degree in Applied Linguistics at the University of Essex. Laia Herrero is the only one to go to Denmark, and she will be studying a master's degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Copenhagen.

Each grant covers tuition fees and includes a monthly salary of 1,400 Euros. Students also receive aids for travel and living expenses, as well as to attend conferences and seminars, buying books and diploma fees. The grants are awarded for one year and can be renewed a second year as long as the student spends another full academic year abroad. In some case, the grants also cover the costs of a predoctoral research project. This year a total of 959 applications were submitted. 
