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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

"Sex in Roman Times" on display until 15 June

05 Apr 2018
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The exhibiton "Sex in Roman Times", organised by the Archaeology Museum of Catalonia and produced by the Museum of Badalona in collaboration with the UAB, will be on display at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities until 15 June. This is the first time the exhibition is shown outside of a museum, after having been in display in different towns of Catalonia and Valencia.
The exhibition “Sex in Roman Times” was inaugurated on 5 April at the Journals building of the Humanities Library and will be on display until 15 June. It is organised and produced by the Archaeological Museum of Catalonia and was created and commissioned by the Museum of Badalona.

The exhibition, aimed at an adult audience, consists of a set of pieces from the Roman Era conserved in museums around Catalonia; reproductions of often very explicit paintings, and texts written in Latin. The pieces give an idea of the sexual universe of ancient Rome, from the Republic all the way up to the 4th century CE. The exhibition is divided into five large areas: sex within the marriage, different ways of making love, extramarital relations, the art of seduction and sexuality of the gods, with whom humans sought to resemble.

Famous quotes from Ovid, Seneca, Plautus and Suetonius will serve to contextualise the pieces on exhibit and give visitors an insight into the intimate life of ancient Romans. The exhibit pieces include religious and ritual objects, things that were displayed in the private and public spheres, such as the "Venus of Badalona", the "Bilbilis Vase" (Calatayud), and the "Sasamon Phallus", as well as an extensive collection of erotic lamps.

“Sex in Roman Times" is the first exhibition to be produced by the Arqueoxarxa and the Network of Museums and Archaeological Sites of Catalonia, of which the UAB forms part with its numerous archaeology and palaeontology campuses. The main objective of this exhibition is to bring Catalonia's archaeological heritage nearer to visitors with some eighty pieces belonging to different archaeological collections from around Catalonia.

Apart form the exhibition there will be a set of talks on the different thematic areas included, all taking place in the hall in from of the Prehistory and Anthropology departments.

The initiative, which forms part of the celebrations of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, has been organised by the Faculty of Arts and the UAB-CIE's CORE in Cultural Heritage. It is part of the activities organised in celebration of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the UAB's 50th anniversary, and includes the collaboration of the Humanities Library, the Office of the Vice Rector for Institutional Relations and Culture and Cultura en Viu.

The inauguration was presided over by Faculty of Arts and Humanities Dean Joan Carbonell, and included the participation of Carlos Sánchez, Vice Rector for Institutional Relations and Culture; Margarida Abras, Director of the Museum of Badalona; Josep M. Rueda, Director of the Archaeology Museum of Catalonia; and Esther Gurri, Curator at the Museum of Badalona and exhibition's commissioner.

The exhibition will include a series of conferences which will take place from 17 April to 24 May. 

Poetry reading of Greco-Roman and contemporary authors.
 17 April at 12:30 p.m.

Poems from Antiquity by Gemma Puigvert and Marta Oller. Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies (UAB).

Contemporary Poems by Anna Aguilar-Amat, Mercè Altimir, Núria Busquets, Laia Martínez and Jordi Mas. Quark Poesia.

Accompanied on the piano by Francesc Cortés. Department of Art and Musicology.

Moderator: Joan Carbonell Manils. Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies (UAB).


Sex in the Antiquity. 26 April at 11:30 a.m.

Esther Gurri. Commissioner of the exhibition "Sex in Roman Times". Museum of Badalona.

Jordi Vidal. Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies (UAB).

Sebastià Giralt. Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies (UAB). Translator of Petroni's Satyricon.

Moderator: Gemma Puigvert. Director of the Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies (UAB).


Reproduction from Prehistory to Modern Days. 8 May at 11:30 a.m.

Assumpció Vila. Institut Milà i Fontanals, CSIC. Authora of the book La reproducció a la Prehistòria.

Bruna Àlvarez. AFIN Centre and Research Group, UAB. Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB).

Estel Malgosa. AFIN Centre and Research Group, UAB. Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB).

Moderator: Raquel Piquè. Department of Prehistory (UAB).


Sex in the 21st Century. 24 May at 1:30 p.m. 

Laila Pilgren. Director of Sex Academy Barcelona.

Sergi Santos. Expert in nanotechnology. 

Moderator: Jordi Vallverdú. Department of Philosophy (UAB).
