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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Research Week at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts

11 May 2016
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From 17 to 19 May, the departments at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts will display the research conducted in the past five years with conferences, exhibits and round tables. The university's future Digital Humanities Network will also be presented.
Investigar en Humanitats a la UAB
The objective of the faculty is to foster the dissemination and increase visibility of research projects conducted by these departments in the past five years and show the importance of the results obtained.

The week includes several activities aimed particularly at students: round tables and scientific conferences which will continue in the following weeks, presentations of groups and new publications, dialogues between junior and senior researchers, demonstrations of new technologies applied to research, with the collaboration of the UAB Computer Vision Centre and the presentation of each department's master's degrees.

The activities have been organised by the departments of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Art and Musicology, English and German, Spanish, Catalan, French and Romance Languages, Modern and Early Modern History, Geography, Prehistory, Antiquity and Middle Age Studies and Philosophy.

All events will be literally surrounded by an exhibit of more than two hundred works published by lecturers and several panels with information on scientific journals and the most relevant research data from each of the centres.

The UAB and Digital Humanities

The digital humanities will be of special importance in these events, with several activities focused on the results of research and talks on their uses and applications, among which one of the central conferences will be “The Digital Culture and New Participation Architectures in Humanities” offered on 17 May at 11:30 a.m. by Paul Spence, senior lecturer of King’s College London and one of the best international specialists in this field.

After Spence's conference, the Digital Humanities Network will be presented. This network will be created by the UAB under the coordination of the CORE in Cultural Heritage with the aim of fostering interdisciplinary collaborations in research projects focusing on digital technologies and the humanities, arts and languages. Participating in the presentation will be Oriol Vicente (CORE in Cultural Heritage), Àngela Serrano ( Office of the Deputy Executive Administrator for Research and Strategic Development), Alícia Fornés (Computer Vision Centre), Ramón Valdés (Director of the Master's Degree in Digital Humanities) and Raquel Piqué (lecturer of the Department of Prehistory and Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies).

Another central conference of Research Week will be given on 18 May at 11:30 a.m. by Josep Joan Moreso, Director of the Recercaixa Programme and President of AQU Catalonia. Moreso will speak on the current situation and future challenges for research in the humanities and on the need for funding.

Programme of the Research Week at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
