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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Protecting our pets is the topic of the next "Campus activities"

09 Jan 2020
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On Wednesday 15 January the UAB will offer another session of its "Campus activities", an initiatve aiming to foster student participation in a diversity of activities by stopping all academic activities once a month from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. This session consists of a conference on the protection of pets.
"Living with animals" is the title of the conference series the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine began last semester. The second of these conferences will be offered on Wednesday 15 January, as part of the "Campus activities", in which all members of the university community can attend from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. given that all academic activities will not be held.

The second conference of this series is entitled "Protecció dels animals de companyia: aspectes legals i científics" (Protecting Pets: legal and scientific aspects). Speakers will include Professor Xavier Manteca i Vilanova from the Department of Animal and Food Science and M. Mercè Santmartí Miró, Director of Territorial Services of the Government of Catalonia.

The conference will begin at 1:15 p.m. at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and will end around 3 p.m.

After a proposal put forth by the UAB Govening Team and approved by all faculties, the Governing Council set aside the hours between 1 and 3 p.m. during eight days - distributedn along the two academic semesters -  for its "Campus activities". These activities can be organised by the faculties, student associations, UAB services, etc.

During the 2019/20 academic year, the sessions were held on Monday 14 October, Thursday 7 November (Festa Major), and Tuesday 10 December, and will continue to be offered on Wednesdady 15 January, Tuesday 18 Februart, Tuesday 18 March, Thursday 16 April and Friday 15 May.

The objective of these campus activities is to foster the organisation of and attendance to non-academic activities, and thus take advantage of the immense amount of knowledge available at the university, particularly after the disappearance of many campus subjects thanks to the implementation of the Bologna Plan.
