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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Project launched that unites supportive initiatives in times of COVID-19

22 Apr 2020
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Solivid is a collective project aimed at building a collaborative map and online resource database on supportive initiatives created in Catalonia, Spain and around the world, as a response to the current health crisis. The project, which is open-access, is the result of a collaboration between the Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGOP), the Institute for Regional and Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona (IERMB) and the Study Group in Energy, Region and Society of the Department of Geography (GURB).

Projecte Solivid (IGOP, IERMB i Grup de Recerca GURB

Solivid aims to be a collaborative project which can bring together observatories and research teams, entities and people from around the world. It is therefore an open and inclusive initiative, in which any team interested can participate. In fact, it is already incorporating new institutions, and three examples of this are the Social Research Institute of Mexico, the IUAV University of Venice and the Institute of Urban and Regional Studies of Chile.

The project includes three main objectives. Firstly, to gather supportive initiatives that are altruistic, collective, diverse and responding directly to the coronavirus crisis, in order to construct a collaborative ma. Secondly, put together already existing online maps and networks. Finally, disseminate news and opinions on the impact of the crisis on cities and the role of citizen solidarity. 

All data included in the poject is open-access and available to researchers for their study. The members of IGOP and GURB have also contributed their analyses and comparisons with other international realities. 

At these moments, the project is focused on gathering initiatives and is already displaying a selection of cases. Soon it will offer an interactive map of recent experiences.

More information on Solivid collaboration and dissemination can be found at their website, which is available in five languages: www.solivid.org
