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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Professor Robert Roche receives the Eureka 2023 World Science Prize

01 Aug 2023
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Robert Roche Olivar, honorary professor of the Area of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the UAB and director of the Applied Prosocial Research Laboratory, was awarded the EUREKA 2023 World Science Prize in the category "World Master/Teacher Award". It is a distinction awarded to individuals standing out in both their professional and personal achievements, which is why they are awarded the prize as "teachers of life".

Robert Roche

The Eureka World Science Prize awarded to UAB professor Robert Roche Olivar is a distinction to highlight those who unite in the human task of knowledge, and of knowledge committed to science and fraternity. These international recognitions aim to make visible the work of individuals, institutions and actions of good practices in their various human and scientific dimensions.

Throughout the various editions, this award has been conferred onto people such as Fidel Castro and Nobel Laureate in Literature Gabriel García Márquez.  

Of the 110 proposals received in all categories, in a closed vote, educators, teachers and scientists members of the World Council of Academics and University Researchers (COMAU) chose the nominees for their outstanding work to make a better world possible.

The announcement of this year's winners took place in the city of Chaco, Argentina, since it is the host city of the Global Forum for Inclusion and Disability and of the 7th International Congress on Disability.  The official awards ceremony took place on 31 July, in an event presided by the president of COMAU Orlando Terre Camacho.

The video with Professor Roche Olivar's acceptance speech can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0TKkV1hGLs (in Spanish)
