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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Presentation of a mental health research study

31 Mar 2023
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Sergi Ballespí, lecturer in the UAB Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, member of the SGR research group in Person-Environment Interaction and PI of the Mentalisation and Mental Health Laboratory (MAMH) presents his research study on mental health entitled “Eficiencia de una intervención translacional para mejorar la salud mental infantil mediante la mentalización en la escuela y la família” funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation. He also encourages everyone to anwer two questionnaires to learn more about oneself: “Coneix-te a tu mateix”.

Salut mental

Sergi Ballespí presents his research study with the aim of transferring his findings on mental and emotional health in a clinical context to the community. As pointed out by the lecturer from the Department of Cinical and Health Psychology at the UAB, as a community we are literate thanks to an educational and cultural system, but there is no guarantee for literacy in social and emotional skills in most cases, unless a disorder is detected and experts are called in to handle it.

This is the motivation behind the project entitled “Eficiencia de una intervención translacional para mejorar la salud mental infantil mediante la mentalización en la escuela y la família” [Efficiency of a Translational Intervention for the Improvement of Mental Health in Children Through Awareness Raising in School and Family] with the objective of changing the situation and providing families and schools with emotional education and thereby helping children grow with skills that can help them strengthen their mental health.

To conduct the project, a pilot programme was created to closen the ties between awareness-raising and health genesis, which has already been tested in schools and with families. Now the objective is to reach the public in general and to do so, two questionnaires will be made available under the name of “Coneix-te a tu mateix” [Discover Yourself] as part of Ballespí's study, which will serve to measure the degree of emotional knowledge each person has of themselves. By participating, each person will learn more about mental health and receive a document with explanations and advice, as well as enter a raffle which will be held on 12 April to win one of 10 gift vouchers worth €50 (FNAC or ABACUS).

For more information and to fill out the questionnaire please click on this link.
