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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Poetry, science, theatre and dance fuse together in a performance about David Jou's poetic universe

25 Oct 2022
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The UAB Theatre hosts the show "From chaos to ecstasy", an artistic reflection by David Jou, a former physics professor at the UAB, that explains the complementarity and the connection between the different ways of knowledge (mythical, religious, scientific and artistic) to explain how our universe works. 

el caos de l'extasi

The theatrical performance, directed by Jordi Coromina and Francesc Bravo and dramatized by Mònica Pagès and Coromina too, represents David Jou’s poetic universe, who aims to "stablish connections between science and humanities, between technology and arts, between knowledge and spirituality, between individualism and planetary consciousness". 

The performance "From Chaos to Ecstasy", based on different poems written by the catalan physicist, will take place on 16th November at 1pm at the UAB Theatre. The public will be able to enjoy for free (limited to the capacity of the reserved place) a staged performance that explains why humanity has always tried to understand chaos and everything that is related to the cosmos, whether it was Greek myths, sacred writings, science and its empirical method or even art. 

David Jou i Mirabent (Sitges, 1953) is a catalan physicist, poet and essayist. He is currently the president of the Joan Maragall Foundation. Jou is the author of fifty research articles about thermodynamic and statistical mechanics. He also has written thirty poems and fifteen essays about science, religion, cosmology, matter and time. His poetic legacy and abstract thinking have explored science and religion, two ways of understanding the world and life. 

Tickets must be booked in the following link. For more detailed information, please contact us (cultura.enviu@uab.cat) 
