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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Open call for PDI’s projects for the Campus Ítaca

24 Feb 2016
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More than 300 secondary school students will participate during June and July in the Campus Ítaca’s activities, organized by UAB teaching  units and departments. The FAS opens the call for PDI’s submission of the Campus’ projects that will receive financial aid.
Convocatòria presentació projectes PDI Ítaca
The Campus Ítaca is a UAB socio-educative programme managed by the Solidarity Autonomous Foundation (FAS) in collaboration with the Faculty of Education and the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICE) and sponsored by Banco Santander. This Campus consists in a university stay during June and July aimed at students of 3rd year of ESO with the objective of encouraging them to continue their studies once they finish compulsory education.

For the FAS, the university should be a place that generates knowledge and that transfers this knowledge to society. With the objectives of encouraging the participation of UAB teaching and research teams, the Foundation opens now the Call for teaching and research staff (PDI) for the development of Experimental projects which will be carried out during the Campus Ítaca 2016. This year, the Campus will have two shifts, the first one will begin on 27 June and the second one will end on 14 July.

The proposed projects will have to be aimed at students from 15 to 16 years who have just finished 3rd of ESO, and their objective must be to help students to discover the investigation and research side of the different areas of knowledge that the UAB works with.

In this link you will find the conditions of the call, in which you will find detailed information about the activities’ requirements, information to orientate the proposals and the economic funding for the creation of the projects and their implementation.

The submissions period beings on Tuesday 23 February and ends on Monday 28 March 2016.

From last year the Campus Ítaca is managed by the FAS. This year it has incorporated 3 towns form El Barcelonès (Barcelona, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda and Sentmenat) and 24 high schools. Therefore, this year the campus will have 388 secondary school students from 78 high schools and 31 towns.
