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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

One step further in the research into olive oil benefits and breast cancer

12 Sep 2016
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The Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero Foundation and the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional Organisation will once again provide funding for the Multidisciplinary Group on Breast Cancer Research (GMECM), directed by UAB professor Eduard Escrich, to research into diet and its effects on breast cancer.
One step further in the research into olive oil benefits and breast cancer
The Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero Foundation, the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional Organisation and the UAB recently signed a collaboration agreement to promote research into the effects extra virgin olive oil and other lipids may have on breast cancer. The two professional entities will fund the research led by Eduard Escrich, professor of the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology at the UAB, and thus provide continuity to the relationship established between the sector and the university in 2006.
The funding represents a new boost for the research conducted by the UAB Multidisciplinary Group on Breast Cancer Research, which aims to determine the effects of the most common components of our diet and take into account not only nutritional values, but also other values that would lead to the formulation of a scientific opinion on the health of a population or the risk of suffering from this type of cancer. Among the results obtained, researchers observed that fats did not cause certain diseases, but that some of them could accelerate their clinical course when consumed in excess, while others such as extra virgin olive oil could slow down the progression when taken in moderation. At the same time, this research group described several diverse and complex molecular mechanisms involved in the effects lipids have on our diet.
Participating in the signing of the agreement, which took place at the Rectorat Building of the UAB, were Margarita Arboix, Rector of the UAB; Armand Sánchez, Vice Rector for Research and Transference; Álvaro González-Coloma, Managing Director of the Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero Foundation; Francisco Sensat, member of the Board of Trustees; José Pont, Vice President of the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional Organisation ; Teresa Pérez, Manager of the organisation; and Eduard Escrich, Director of the Multidisciplinary Group on Breast Cancer and professor of the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology at the UAB.

At the signing of the collaboration agreement Rector Arboix highlighted the importance of the olive oil sector and recalled her contact with the sector when she was appointed Directorate General of Agricultural and Livestock Resources by the Spanish Government. According to Rector Arboix, olive oil is "a product which needs to be shared with the world".

González Coloma coincided with the rector and pointed out the healthy characteristics and gastronomic quality of the oil as important elements which will help the product make itself a place in emerging markets such as Asia. José Port commented on the prosperity of the market in Spain, in which production has grown in the past few years, and explained that Spain currently exports two thirds of its production.

Escrich pointed out that thanks to such funding, "there is more knowledge in the field of diets and breast cancer, which is very important to public health". He also took the opportunity to thank the sector's representatives for the collaborations during these past years, which have made the amount of research conducted by his group grow. Armand Sánchez spoke on the importance for the University to have these types of agreements linked to "projects with continuity" which go hand in hand with "scientific dissemination", in this case, of the cancer fighting properties of olive oil.

Promoting Research
The Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero Foundation is a non-profit organisation. Among other objectives, it focuses on the promotion of olive oil consumption and the improvement of its production process, research into its properties and therapeutic qualities, and public awareness raising campaigns on the qualities and characteristics of virgin olive oil.
the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional Organisation is an agro-food organisation with representatives of the different agents found in the sector: olive growers, oil millers, refiners, packers and exporters, etc. with the aim of strengthening the presence of Spanish olive oil in international markets, improve its competitiveness and guarantee the sector's future. Gives support to research and development programmes, with a special interest in the relationship between olive oil and health.
