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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Nobel Economist Finn Kydland to visit the UAB

18 Mar 2015
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Professor Kydland, 2004 Nobel Laureate in Economics, will offer a conference on “Mortgages and Monetary Policy” as part of the first MOVE Barcelona Macroeconomics Workshop, which will be held on Friday 20 March.
On 20 March, Nobel Laureate in Economics Finn Kydland will be participating in the first edition of the MOVE Barcelona Macroeconomics Workshop. He will offer a conference on “Mortgages and Monetary Policy” at 4:15 pm at the Seminar Hall of the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC).

The Norwegian economist was awarded the prize in 2004 together with Edward C. Prescott, "for their contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles”. Kydland has focused his research on the study of business cycles, monetary and tax policies and labour economics. The Nobel prize winner demonstrated how economic policies are often full of temporary inconsistency problems and introduced new ideas on how to improve the design of these policies.
Finn Kydland studied at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration and graduated in 1968. He earned his PhD degree at the Carnegie Mellon University in 1973. He is currently the Henley Professor of Economics of the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he also directs the Laboratory for Aggregate Economics and Finance.
