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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

New research positions in UAB-CIE Sphere centres

09 Sep 2016
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The P-SPHERE programme is offering a total of 24 postdoctoral positions of three years' duration for research stays at centres belonging to the UAB-CIE Sphere. The call will be open until 9 December.
Funded by the European Commission's Marie S. Curie Programme and with the participation of UAB-CIE Sphere centres, the P-SPHERE researcher programme opens in September and until 9 December will be accepting applications for postdoctoral positions with the aim of attracting international researchers. The programme, organised by the UAB, focuses on interdisciplinary research linked to the strategic challenges of the HORIZON 2020 programme, and on mobility, with the researchers undertaking stays at institutions, companies and technology centres.

In this second and last call, 24 postdoctoral positions of three years' duration will be offered for research stays at centres belonging to the UAB-CIE Sphere.

The programme includes the following lines of research: computer vision and pattern recognition; Big Data applications in the agrofood sector; urban ecology and biotechnology; micro/nanotechnologies; nanoscience; mathematical analysis; high energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology; policies in education. Postdoctoral researchers will be able to propose their own projects based on the lines of research of one of the participating centres.

The P-SPHERE programme fulfils the international mobility requirement of the Marie S. Curie programme (candidates may not have resided or conducted their principal activity in Spain for over 12 months in the 3 years immediately preceding the closing of the call) and is funded by the COFUND 2014 programme of the European Commission.
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