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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Mozart and Beethoven's symphonies, the protagonists of the UAB Spring Concert

25 May 2023
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The UAB Orchestra, conducted by Jesús Badia, will close its academic year with the traditional Spring concert, in which it will perform on Thursday 1 June at 1.30 pm, in the UAB Theatre, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Symphony in G minor No. 40, K.550 and Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 7, two major works from the classical period of the European music.

Concert Primavera del curs 2021/22

The Spring Concert of this academic year, known as Mozart vs. Beethoven, will offer a repertoire of two symphonies by two of the greatest composers of all time. Seventeen musicians with string and wind instruments will perform the Symphony in G minor No. 40, K.550, written by the Austrian composer and musician during the summer of 1788, and the only symphony, together with No. 25, that he composed in a minor mode. 

According to Badia, Symphony No. 40 is “the composer's most operatic symphony and one of the most appreciated of all time”. In addition, the conductor of the UAB Orchestra describes it as a piece of music “with dramatic, intimate tones and inner struggle, accompanied by a key in G minor, which Mozart associates with melancholy, pain and fragility of feelings”. 

The UAB Orchestra will end the concert with a performance of one of the most applauded works in all of Beethoven's output, the second movement of Symphony No. 7, written between 1811 and 1812, which combines joyful rhythms and a fast tempo.  

Badia points out that the second movement, Allegretto, is a piece “with variations on two contrasting themes”. In addition, he stresses that “its obstinate rhythmic (largo-corto-corto-largo-largo), associated with processional music, is one of the elements that can be inexorably felt throughout this movement”. 

Tickets for concert are free, limited to the capacity of the hall. This activity is included in the cultural card programme.

If you would like more information about our activities, the programme or any artistic concerns you would like to share, you can contact us via email at cultura.enviu@uab.cat, our social networks or our Telegram channel, @culturaUAB. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so that you don't miss out on any news in the programme.
