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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Migrations and Human Rights Week

03 May 2019
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During the week of 6 to 10 May and on 16 May, several activities will be offered on campus to raise awareness on the difficulties of migrations and the vulneration of human rights from a profound and critical viewpoint. All activities are free.  
Del 6 al 10 de maig, Setmana de les Migracions i els Drets Humans a la UAB
The UAB celebrates Migrations and Human Rights Week from 6 to 10 May. This thematic week includes training, awareness-raising and promotional activities focused on the issues of forced displacements, vulneration of migrant rights to seek refuge, taking in refugees, migration policies, borders, instiutional racism and migrant self-organisation.
The objective of this week is to create synergies among different UAB agents working in this field, generating spaces for collaboration with entities and groups and providing greater visibility to the problems related to migrations and human rights from a profound and critical viewpoint.

Monday 6 May
Activities will begin on 6 May at 1 p.m. with the projection of the latest documentary of the film cycle ‘No direction Home’, organised by the Fundació Autònoma Solidària. The documentary is entitled ‘Blessy’, and is produced by CàmeresiAcció and la Ròtula. Blessy is a 35-year-old woman who has been victim of human trafficking. The documentary tells the life of Blessy and how she represents the life of so many other women. Human traifficking, also known as modern slavery, is a crime which severely violates Humna rights and is a manifestation of gender violence, and it takws places in many of our cities. The projection will end with a debate with professionals who made the film and those accompanying survivors of human trafficking: Sicar.cat. The film will be shown at the UAB Cinema Hall and entrance if free until the venue reaches capacity.
Tuesday 7 May
At 11 a.m. the exhibition “Refugee Women in Palestine: 7 decades of resilience and dignity” will be inaugurated by Vice Rector for Students and Employability Sara Moreno and Professor Hesham Abu-Sharar of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting. The exhibition will be on display the entire week at the Japanese garden of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting.

Wednesday 8 May
Wednesday 8 May will be dedicated to the situation of the southern Spanish border, and the vulnerations of rights taking place in that region.
At 4 p.m., the Faculty of Law will offer a conference entitled “Leave No One Behind: Human Rights at the Border and Global Citizens” organised jointly by the Spanish ACNUR committee, with the participation of Irídia, CCAR, CIDON, and other expert professionals.
Thursday 16 May
The activities organised for 9 May will be held on 16 May, due to the strike announced for 9 May. Therefore, on Thursday 16 May the central event of the Migrations and Human Rights Week will be held at the Plaça Cívica, with activities throughout the day:
Activities held from 6 to 10 May
The Migrations and Human Rights Week includes several different exhibitions: The Migrations and Human Rights Week forms part of the Welcoming Programme of the Fundació Autònoma Solidària, with the collaboration of the Community Involvement Unit, Cultura en Viu and the participation of research groups, specialised entities and groups defending the rights of migrants, refugees and displaced people.
