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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

May, a month full of cinematic programming

02 May 2023
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During the penultimate month of the academic year, five films with different themes will be screened. All the activities are part of the programme of our cultural card. 

Un maig de pel·lícula

On the occasion of the International Day of the Portuguese Language, celebrated on 5 May, the UAB Cinema will host on Tuesday 2 May, at 3 p.m., the documentary Língua - Vidas me português, which explains the linguistic history of Portuguese and the people who speak this language all over the world. Through the daily lives of several illustrious and anonymous characters from four continents, this feature-length film shows how Portuguese has remained among the different cultures of the planet and how this language is the product of hundreds of processes of change, influences and waves of colonisation. The documentary will be screened in its original version (Portuguese) with Portuguese subtitles. 

On Friday 12 May, at 1 p.m., 2001: A Space Odyssey will be screened, the fourth film in the cycle "The Immortals", a work of science fiction, based on the most primitive origin of Homo sapiens and the proliferation of artificial intelligence, which narrates the awakening of man on Earth, a fictitious space mission from the Earth to the Moon and an expedition to Jupiter. 

The fourth film on the UAB Cinema will be The Wild Goose Lake. On Monday 15 May, at 4 p.m., it will screen the story of a one-sided criminal leader (Zhou Zenong) who becomes a fugitive. In search of redemption, he encounters a prostitute who fights to regain her freedom. With a price on his head and pursued by a large police force, Zhou will have to fight against his limits and decide how much he is willing to sacrifice to save his companion and the family he has abandoned. 
On Tuesday 16 May, at 1 p.m., the university community will be able to enjoy the French comedy-drama Fahim. This film tells the story of a young man (Fahim Mohammad) and his father who flee Bangladesh and move to Paris. Both characters face various obstacles in their quest for political asylum. Their last card will be Fahim's great talent in chess. He will meet Sylvain, one of the best chess coaches in France, who will help him participate in the national chess championship. Faced with the threat of being expelled from the country at any moment, his only way out will be to win this competition. 

The last screening of the UAB Cinema is Empathy. On Monday 22 May, at 1 p.m., a documentary on animal respect will be screened, which aims to raise awareness of the reality of animals and the daily consumption habits of the population.

All the activities are part of the programme of our cultural card. 

If you would like more information about our activities, the programme or any artistic concerns you would like to share, you can contact us via email at cultura.enviu@uab.cat, our social networks or our Telegram channel, @culturaUAB. You can also subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter so that you don't miss out on any news in the programme.
