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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Map navigator shows Covid-19's evolution

30 Jul 2020
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The UAB and CREAF research group Grumets has developed a Covid-19 maps navigator which allows analysing the current situation of the pandemic and discovering its evolution from the first case to the global, national and regional dimensions it now occupies. An open access navigator, it provides information on a multiple of variables, such as active cases, mortality and the latest news on its evolution.


The navigator allows users to have direct access to open data published by the Johns Hopkins University (globally), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (nationally, by provinces and autonomous regions) and by the Ministry for Health of the Catalan Govenment for the regional data on the current state of the pandemic.

Initially, this tool presented estimations on the number of active cases, with which researchers created a map with the latest cases. The data available on the map (appearing in circles or arrows, according to the data, the moment or latest tendencies) offers figures and graphics on the evolution of the virus in each region under variables such as active and accumulated cases, hospitalisation, recoveries and mortality rates. A data menu allows users to obtain data per day and thus see the most affected regions in each moment and how the pandemic has evolved since it began.

The navigator was built using GIS and remote sensing software of the MiraMon maps navigator, created by members of Grumets 25 years ago and which is now a consolidated tool which allows visualising, consulting, editing and analysing all type of georeferenced information consulted by users from all around the world.

Related article: Les polítiques de dades obertes en temps de la Covid-19.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good health and well-being
