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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Letter from the rector to the university community

25 Feb 2021
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Guaranteeing health with the aim of advancing towards normality: letter from UAB Rector Javier Lafuente to the university community.

Logo of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Logo of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Dear university members,

The start of the second semester has coincided with a long-desired flexibilisation in the restrictions regarding on-site classes at university. While we are proud to be able to once again receive our first-year students, we must continue to follow all safety measures scrupulously, and even maximise them when necessary.

Unfortunately, yesterday we received the concerning news that there was a coronavirus outbreak among people living in the Vila Universitària. The Healthcare Services and the Epidemiological Services of the Vallès region were quick to respond and we can confirm that after a massive testing of all residents, those who are positive will have to remain in quarantine. The UAB will inform them of the steps they will need to take and offer assistance so that they can receive the food and services they may need, always under strict safety measures.

It is therefore of utmost importance to maintain these safety measures in order to guarantee our own safety and that of others. In a previous message I spoke about the guidelines set down in the UAB Contingency Plan and Organistion Protocol. Please allow me once again to insist upon the procedures we must follow if any of us notice any symptoms or have been in contact with someone infected with Covid-19:


— Please stay home if you notice any symptoms, call your primary healthcare centre (or 061 outside normal working hours) and follow their instructions. Remember to also inform your degree coordinator.

— You must also stay home if:

  • You are in quarantine because the result of your COVID-19 test is positive.
  • You are waiting for the results of a PCR test or any other COVID-19 diagnostic test.
  • You live with someone who is infected with COVID-19.
  • You are in quarantine because you were in close contact with someone infected with COVID-19.

Please consult this infograph corresponding to our case management protocol, as well as these prevention guidelines.

UAB personnel

Please consult both our prevention guidelines for UAB personnel and this link on how to inform of a case, where you will find the steps each group needs to take when detecting a case of coronavirus. You will also find a summary for students and external workers.

Remember that in case of suspecting or confirming a case of SARS-CoV-2:

Students: must inform their programme coordinator.
Lecturers and researchers (PDI/PIF): must inform their heads of department, service or institute.
Administration and services staff (PAS): must inform their superior.

Finally, the COVID-19 webpage also offers updated information.

Despite this concerning episode taking place these days, the UAB is a safe place and will continue to be so. The Governing team, in collaboration with the administrations of each centre, are working together to guarantee the safety of all. Nevertheless, there is one thing that is essential: the effort and commitment of each and every one of us to maintain this safety and strive towards a progressive return to normality.

With the confidence that we will journey towards this goal together, I send you many warm greetings.

Javier Lafuente
Rector of the UAB
