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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Latest advances in the analysis of food microorganisms

25 Nov 2014
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The 13th edition of the Workshop on Rapid Methods and Automation in Food Microbiology will take place from 25 to 28 November at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Special emphasis will be put on the analysis methods applied to beer and meat.
MRAMA Workshop 2014
Image of the 2013 edition of the MRAMA Workshop
The key-note speaker at the workshop will be Professor Dr Daniel Y. C. Fung from Kansas State University. He will be offering several information sessions on rapid methods and automation in microbiology and the techniques commonly used to detect microorganisms in food and water.

The opening lecture will be given by two experts in food safety: Corrie Allaert, microbiologist of the Food Safety Division at CREOLIA, Ltd, and Cécile Lahellec, honorary director of research at the French Agency for Health Safety in Foods (AFSSA). Both will speak on the implementation of food quality controls with the aim of detecting salmonella.

One of this year's novelties is the importance of the beer sector, and in charge of speaking on this subject will be Petra Zeegers, researcher of the Heineken Supply Chain microbiology group. There will also be a debate on the implementation of a rapid method in a brewery quality analysis system based on a user-friendly validated platform.

The sector of poultry, meat and derivative products will also be present with two very important conferences. One will be given by Pascal Monzó, Microbiology Director at Productos Florida, who will speak on Compylobacter spp., a frequent yet rarely detected microorganism; and the second will be offered by Cristina Díez, from the Grupo Empresarial Palacios Alimentación, who will speak on microbiological requirements for meat product export, according to the destination country.

Throughout the workshop's three days there will be exhibits and presentations by companies from the food microbiology sector.

As in all editions, those interested in attending must first register.
