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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Konrad Eiler, awarded by the European Academy of Surface Technology

03 Mar 2021
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As a doctoral student at the UAB, Konrad Eiler is preparing his PhD thesis at the Department of Physics under the direction of Eva Pellicer and Jordi Sort. He was recently awarded the Schwäbisch Gmünd Prize for Young Scientists by the EAST.

Konrad Eiler

Konrad Eiler, doctoral student of the Group of Smart Nanoengineered Materials and Nanomagnetism (GNM3) of the Department of Physics was recently awarded the 2021 Schwäbisch Gmünd Prize for Young Scientists, which is conferred annually by the European Academy of Surface Technology (EAST) to early career researchers on the grounds of excellence in the field of surface technology.

Eiler is working on his PhD thesis under the supervision of Professors Eva Pellicer and Jordi Sort. Funded by the European Union, his research focuses on catalyst materials for sustainable energy, and specifically in the production of electrodeposited nanostructured metal alloys, which will be used in applications such as fuel cells.

Konrad Eiler is awarded this year's prize for his study of nanoporous layers of nickel-platimun alloys, his electrodeposition synthesis, its characterisation and finally its application as a simplified hydrogen production catalyst.
