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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Join the campaign “L’alcohol és responsabilitat de tothom” with a video

12 Jun 2019
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Record with your phone while saying “L’alcohol és responsabilitat de tothom; jo m’hi adhereixo” (‘Alcohol -intake- is a responsibility of everyone; I stand by it’) and join the campaign launched by the Generalitat de Catalunya to raise awareness and prevent the risks of alcohol intake.
L'Alcohol és responsabilitat de tothom
The Generalitat de Catalunya launched the alcohol intake risks’ awareness and prevention campaign "L’alcohol és responsabilitat de tothom" with the initiative "Jo m’hi adhereixo" last year on the occasion of the Alcohol Awareness Week.

Several public figures joined the campaign, such as Alba Vergés, Minister of Health, journalists Jordi Basté and Mònica Terribas, and Sergi Roberto, Futbol Club Barcelonal (FCB) player. The campaign had a great reception and a big impact in the media.

Generalitat is looking for more support in the campaign, so we encourage you to take part! The only thing you have to do is record yourself with your phone while saying “L’alcohol és responsabilitat de tothom; jo m’hi adhereixo” and send it to alcoholmenysmillor@gencat.cat. 

All videos will be published in the Generalitat’s Canal Drogues and will become part of the material used for the 6th Alcohol Awareness Week that will take place from 11 to 17 November. The hashtag for this campaign is #responsabilitatdetothom.

“Alcohol is a responsibility of everyone”

Awareness and prevention on alcohol consumption risks is a responsibility of the whole society, of every individual: the administration, the towns, educational centres, health professionals, parties and events’ organizers, alcohol production companies, security forces, traders, the media, families, friends and each person as an individual.
