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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Information on the current situation of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

11 Mar 2020
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With regard to the current state of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the UAB is adhering strictly to the instructions dictated by the Catalan and Spanish Ministries for Health and the Catalan Public Health Agency, and the generic measures of individual protection currently applicable to respiratory illnesses are maintained.

The UAB is in continuous contact with and strictly adheres to the guidelines established by the Catalan Ministry for Health, the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPCAT) and the Spanish Ministry for Health. In this sense, the ASPCAT, organisation directly in charge of the cases detected in the university community, has taken the adequate preventive measures in each case and informs that no further measures need be taken in the centre or classroom.

- Given the evolution of the virus, some countries are applying exceptional measures to those entering their country. Before travelling, please consult the emergencies protocol published by the UAB Area of International Relations.

- The Barcelona Fair (Fira de Barcelona) informs that in view of the current situation and prevention measures passed by the Catalan Ministry for Education with regards toCOVID-19, it postpones the annual Education Fair, which will be held before the university pre-enrolment period. The Fira de Barcelona, together with the Ministry for Education and the Secretary's Office of Universities, will announce the new dates as soon as possible. All activities programmed between 18 and 22 March have been cancelled. Therefore, UAB's participation at the Education Fair (Ensenyament and Futura) has been postponed until further notice.

- The UAB Faculty of Medicine announces that in order to facilitate the tasks of healthcare professionals and preserve the state of health of patients in hospitals and primary care centres (CAP), and in consensus with hospital management teams, health and prevention units, and infections diseases units of the respective Hospital Teaching Units, it has decided temporarily to suspend all clinical practices in hospitals until further notice. Information will be provided on what these suspensions entail academically. 

- The Government of Catalonia has activated the PROCICAT Action Plan for emergencies associated with potentially high-risk emerging infectious diseases affecting Catalonia and which gives support to the General Direction of Public Health in minimising the spreading of the disease, designing strategies and support systems for the maintenance of services essential for the functioning of society, and designing strategies for the management of associated situations of risk.

An e-mail address has been created to answer any questions and doubts our community members may have: info.coronavirus@uab.cat.

- The UAB Veterinary Clinic Hospital is receiving many calls from pet owners concerned about the health of their pets and the possibility of becoming infected with the coronavirus. A specific page has been created to answer the most frequent questions on the matter (in Catalan). 

Basic Information

The most common symptoms of the virus include coughing, throat pain, fever and a lesser breathing capacity. In more severe cases it can cause pneumonia, difficulties breathing, kidney failure and even death. These cases generally occur among the older populations or those with underlying conditions such as heart disease, lung disease or immune system problems.

The Catalan Ministry for Health's personal protection measures to prevent coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection are the same as those to prevent similar acute respiratory infection:

  • Frequent washing of hands (with soap and water or hand sanitizers), especially after contact with people who are ill and their environment.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues or use the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing, and wash your hands immediately afterwards.

  • Avoid close contact (maintain a distance of at least two metres) with anyone suffering from acute respiratory infections or showing symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or expectorations, and do not share any personal belongings.

  • Avoid sharing food and utensils (cutlery, cups, napkins, etc..) and other objects without cleaning them properly.

For more detailed information please visit these websites:
