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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Hackathon to foster the reception of young migrants travelling alone

05 May 2021
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On 15 May, the UAB research group Transmedia Catalonia will be hosting a participative workshop at the Macaya Palace in Barcelona which will include young migrants and members of the civil society, NGOs, public administration, businesses and researchers, to work jointly on finding innovative solutions to foster the reception of migrants travelling alone to Catalonia.

Hackathon per potenciar l'acollida de joves que migren sols

The hackathon is organised into two consecutive phases: in the morning participants will co-create different social impact solutions using the Learning by Helping technique, and in the afternoon they will work on audiovisual strategies for each project, with the help of Oriol Pastor, director of the digital arts festival MIRA.

In groups of five people, a project will be devised to offer solutions to different challenges found when welcoming young migrants travelling alone. For example, some of the issues to be examined will be fostering inclusiong through employment in small towns and cities, providing a voice to migrants in terms of political and social policies and programmes, and the importance of creating local networks and implementing policies using an approach based on local knowledge.

The hackathon will be on-site and open to everyone. Those interested can sign up on this website.

The activity is part of the social inclusion project ATRAC of the TransMedia Catalonia research group, funded by the "la Caixa" Foundation and based on the European projects SO-CLOSE and TRACTION. The objective of ATRAC is to foster debates among different agents working with migrants and thus study the impact new technologies have on this process, with a focus on new models of interaction among all involved parties.

Several different activities have been held at the Macaya Palace during this academic year, including debates and conferences. The last activity organised by the ATRAC will be held on 10 June 2021, and will consist of an international debate open to all the people involved, with presentations on the challenges and opportunities detected during the previous activities. 

More information can be found in the activity's full programme.
