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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Ganàpies society organise a “macrodiada” for Festa Major

06 Nov 2018
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Festa Major is almost here and the first performance of the university casteller calendar is a macrodiada that Ganàpies society organized for November 8th.
Macrodiada Ganàpies
In the framework of the 50 Anniversary of UAB and within the programmed Festa Major de la UAB activities on November 8th, Ganàpies society, the university’s colla castellera, invited the 13 colles that set up the university world of castellers (more than 700 people in total) to participate in a macrodiada under the hashtag #FemlaMacro. This is the first performance of the season for most colles.
Ganàpies and Arreplegats de la ZU are considering the possibility of doing castells of 7 levels. “We still got a rehearsal left but the main aim for Festa Major is to be able to do the first “aletes” in the 7 levels castells of this season” said Eduard Cecília, the Ganàpies’ cap de colla. According to the society, “not all colles can guarantee doing three castells and a pilar due to the academic calendar of some universities. Nonetheless, all of them guarantee a minimum representation”.
This year, Ganàpies want to use their old space for diades. For this reason, the macrodiada will take place in Eix Central de la UAB, between Plaça Cívica and Edifici B.
“The performing space was highly discussed. In the end we decided to do it in Eix Central for two reasons: for its history there in past festes majors and also for the visibility that the area can give us”, the cap de colla said.
Ganàpies are not afraid of the macrodiada. “We are really looking forward to it, not only the performance itself but also the party afterwards. Also, we are excited because this year’s newbies will get to see how big the university casteller world is”.
After performing different rounds of castells, there will be simultaneous pilars showing banners against sexual aggression.
Besides the macrodiada, which will start at 2 p.m, Ganàpies will continue enjoying the Festa in their stall: “We will have a student stall, located next to Stage 2, where we hope all colles will have fun and will be able to enjoy the best university environment”.
