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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fundació Noguera's 2022 Medieval History Award goes to a UAB PhD thesis

10 Jan 2023
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Tània Alaix, researcher at the UAB Seminar on Palaeography, Codicology and Diplomatics, received the "Notari Raimon Noguera" 2022 Grant for best PhD thesis on Medieval History for her work entitled "La canònica de Santa Maria de Vilabertran en els seus orígens: estudi i diplomatari (969-1108)". The award, conferred onto her by the Fundació Noguera, includes a cash prize of 12,100 euros and the publishing of her thesis.

La investigadora Tània Alaix

Tània Alaix i Gimbert, member and secretary of the UAB Seminar on Palaeography, Codicology and Diplomatics, directed by Professor Jesús Alturo i Perucho, and FPU fellow at the Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies from 2016 to 2021, was recently unanimously chosen to receive the "Notari Raimon Noguera" 2022 Grant for best PhD thesis in Medieval History. This prestigious award includes a cash prize of 12,100 euros and the publishing of her PhD thesis. The award ceremony was held on 21 December 2022 at the headquarters of the Fundació Noguera in Barcelona.

Since 1991, the Fundació Noguera offers the grants "Notari Raimon Noguera", set up in memory of the foundation's founder and renowned notary from Barcelona, who in addition to his professional tasks dedicated a part of his cultural activities to the organisation and research of documentary heritage, and in particular to the collection of historical notary documents.

Tània Alaix's PhD thesis, entitled "La canònica de Santa Maria de Vilabertran en els seus orígens: estudi i diplomatari (969-1108)" [The Canonical Church of Santa Maria de Vilabertran in its Origins: Study and Diplomatics], directed by Dr Ramon Martí Castelló, Professor of the Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies, and defended in 2021, was awarded the maximum qualification, Summa Cum Laude, by unanimous decision of the jury. Her thesis focuses on the study of the historical and cultural origins of the oldest and most important canonical church of the Alt Empordà region, founded by Pere Rigall, and is based on the critical edition of 398 documents, all of which have never been published and most of which are preserved in the National Library of Catalonia and the Capitular Archive of Girona.
