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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Events to be held in commemoration of International Women's Day at the UAB

03 Mar 2021
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Under the slogan of "Building Feminist Universities" and through the Observatory for Equality and teaching centres, the UAB will be celebrating several activities to commemorate 8 March, International Women's Day. Debates, conferences, exhibitions and competitions will all be taking place in the next few days.

Notícia acte institucional 8M 2021

On Monday 8 March, the School of Engineering will offer a conference entitled "Jornades Dona i Enginyeria", starting at 3 p.m., which will include speeches by different women engineers who will talk and debate about their professional environments. The conference will be held on Teams. More information

On Tuesday 9 March, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Plaça Cívica, the Solidarity Foundation (FAS) organises Xiringu, a place where to talk about drugs, sexuality and mental health, all from a gender perspective.

On this same day, the FAS organises the activity "Dones al centre. Canvi social i anticolonialisme amb perspectiva de gènere", which consists in an online round table with women activitists from different countries (from Latin America, Palestine, Senegal and Catalonia) who currently reside in Catalonia. It will take place from 12 noon and 1 p.m. on the platform Zoom (on this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86107890531). Those interested in attending must sign up to attend.

On 9 March, the IBB will invite Albert Merino, author of the book Rincones, recently published by Editorial Stonberg, to present his book at 11 a.m. via Teams. Albert Merino (Barcelona, 1972) earned his BSc in Economics and Law, has published several science popularisation articles in specialised hournals, in addition to several online stories, both in Spain and in Italy. His book talks about the life of 15 women who have been unfairly forgotten.

On Wednesday 10 March, at 12 noon, the conference "Emprenedoria en femení" will take place, organised by the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, with different experts participating. It will be held via Teams. More information

On that same day, at 1 p.m., the Faculty of Biosciences organises an activity entitled "El sistema sexe-gènere des d'una perspectiva científica crítica", offered by the group Luciferases, a science popularisation group with a social and feminist perspective. The activity will be offered online. More information

And in the afternoon, at 5:30 p.m., the Minor in Gender Studies organises a conference and debate entitled "Situated Intersectionality as an Epistemology and Methodology" by Nira Yuval-Davis, emeritus professor of the University of East London, which will include the participation of experts from different universities from around the world. The conference will be streamed online.

On Thursday 11 March, at 12 noon, the institutional event celebrating International Women's Day will take place. This year, public recognition will be given to the first cohort of graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Sociocultural Gender Studies, who will receive a prize for their activism and involvement in the feminist movement. A conference entitled "La importància d’un grau en estudis de gènere" will be offered by Meri Torras, coordinator of the bachelor's degree. The event will be streamed live on the UAB YouTube channel  (https://www.youtube.com/user/UABBarcelona). More information

On Friday 12 March, Dr Carme Valls will speak about the invisibility of women in medicine, in a conference entitled "Dones invisibles per a la medicina". The conference will take place at 12 noon at the Facultyof Medicine, and will serve to explain how the medical field has made women and their health invisible throughout history and even today. The conference is organised by the Faculty of Medicine and the Institute for Neuroscience. More information

Until 12 March the Faculty of Communication Studies will be celebrating 8 March will a marathon of microstories centred on struggles, hopes, demands and celebrations. The activity is addressed to the faculty's PDI, PAS and students. More information

On Wednesday 17 March, at 1 p.m., a debate on women's health entitled "La salut des d’una perspectiva feminista"  will be held with Belén Nogueiras, PhD in Feminist Studies and Clinical Psychology, and with Ana Távora, PhD in Feminist Medicine, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry. The event is organised by the Equality Committee of the UAB Facultyof Psychology and will be offered on Teams. More information

In commemoration of International Women's Day, the Faculty of Scineces announces that it will open up a new communication channel related to the activities on Gender, Science and Society through Telegram. The objective of the channel is to facilitate access to the information concerning activities carried out in the faculty and on campus. More information


