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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Even more new ECIU University challenges now available!

27 Nov 2020
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During the second semester students will be able to form part of multidisciplinary and international teams at the ECIU University and work on challenges posed by its business and social partners located all over Europe. The goal is to solve local, national and global problems using a challenge-based approach.

ECIU University spring challenges green

Students can participate in any of the challenges offered by the different European universities. 

The ECIU University connects 12 universities from 12 different European countries with 30 new challenges prepared for the second semester, four of which will be offered at the UAB: 

Transform the free food distribution program guaranteeing alimentary security for vulnerable groups: this challenge consists in rethinking and transforming the current food security model (free and subsidy-based), taking into account the complete food value chain, with the intention of providing a holistic transformation in terms of related policies and practices. All this while securing that vulnerable communities/groups have their needs met and all associated social services are guaranteed.

SuperBlock of Covadonga: this challenge aims to reactivate the peripheral neighbourhood of Covadonga (located in Sabadell). In order to overcome the chronic fragmentation and isolation it suffers, and create public spaces in which new activities can prosper, as well as satisfy the needs and rights of its inhabitants to a healthy and social city, there is an urgent need for the reactivation and rethinking of the local and supra-local mobility and the radical re-design of the totality of its urban space.

Providing affordable, decent and energy-efficient housing to guarantee a basic right and strengthen community life: since the recovery from the big recession of 2008-2013 Barcelona, as many other cities, faces a Perfect Storm for housing. The combined pressure from tourism and gentrification, added to depressed local salaries and a deregulated rent market have led to a structural shortage of affordable housing for middle- and low-income families. The challenge here is to address the housing emergency by ensuring housing really serves a social function, increasing the number of affordable flats and renovating the existing housing stock, with special emphasis on insulation and energy efficiency.

Seizing the opportunities of the digital economy to create better jobs, foster gender equality and build community wealth: to build a more diversified and competitive economy, which takes up the challenge of digitalisation to raise educational standards and productivity, thus being able to create more wealth. A city economy which is socially sensitive, committed to a fair distribution of income and wealth, and in which alternative forms of economic organisation, such as cooperatives, may thrive.      

Why form part of the ECIU University challenges? 

Registration is now open for the 30 ECIU University challenges, which aim to have a real impact on society by contributing to creating more sustainable communities. In this sense, those participating will have a unique experience and develop professional and personal habilities, such as problem-solving and team-working skills, the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary and international team, as well as acquire intercultural skills. 

In order to participate in one of the challenges, all those interested can register with the ECIU University platform and request admission to the programme. They will also need to fulfil the following requirements: enrolled as a student at one of the 12 member institutions, be in their last year of an undergraduate or master's degree, have passed a minimum of 120 ECTS credits, have a level of English equivalent to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe. Experience in entrepreneurial work is a plus.  

Find out more at: ECIU University challenges platform 







The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality education
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Partnerships for the goals
