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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Escena UAB offers theatre, dancing and music on campus

11 Apr 2016
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Enjoy the UAB theatre’s cycle of performances, which will take place during April and May: there will be performances for all tastes! If you like theatre, dancing and music, you can enjoy free performances by members of the Theatre, Dance and Music Activities.
From late April until mid May, the UAB Theatre will hold Escena UAB, a cycle of performances created by members of the Theatre, Dance and Music Activities. These performances are the result of the work done throughout the year, and they are a great opportunity for the UAB community to enjoy theatre, dancing and music performances for free. At the same time, this promotes and encourages new artistic tendencies.

Firstly, it will be the Theatre Stable Group’s turn, with the play Une Ombre de la rue (A shadow in the street). This play shows the catastrophe of the diasporas caused by war, but it also shows love as an aspiration in everyday life. You can see this play on Tuesday 19 April at 6 pm, and Wednesday 20 April at 1.30 pm and 6 pm.

Secondly, the members of Initiation to Theatre will present Esperits, which is set in the tavern of a fishing village where the characters will seek comfort through alcohol and conversation with other tortured souls. The play is a collection of fragments of works by forerunners of American playwrights, such as Eugene O'Neill, Tennesse Williams, or Arthur Miller Edward Albee. You can see the play on Tuesday 26 April at 1.30 pm and 6 pm.

At the beginning of May, the Stable Dancing group will present the performance Diari de viatge, composed of personal improvisations about a journey where you will find temporary companions that will accompany you until the true journey that leads inside of you. You can see this performance on Tuesday 3 May at 6 pm and Wednesday 4 May at 1.30 pm and 6 pm.

Then, it will be the turn of the last group of the Theatre Activities. The members of From the Rehearsal Room to the Stage group (initiation to performance production) will present the play Nosaltres, els herois by Jean-Luc Lagarce, which shows the life of a group of characters in a theatre troupe in order to show the strength and heroism that is required to be an artist in times of war, brutality and in the face of a hopeless future. The play can be seen on Wednesday 11 May at 6 pm and Thursday 12 May at 1.30 pm and 6 pm.

Finally, to conclude the cycle of Escena UAB performances, the UAB Choir and Orchestra, together with other Catalan choirs and orchestras, will present the long-awaited concertUn Viatge Místic: Cant de l’Ànima, a concert with both sacred and secular music of great sensibility, with pieces of composers such as Debussy, Whitacre and Rutter. The concert will be on 18 May at 2 pm.

We invite you all to come and enjoy cultura en viu!

For further information, you can check Cultura en Viu’s website, there you will find the complete Theatre and Cinema programme.
For further information:
Cultura en Viu
L'Àgora Building (Plaça Cívica)
Tel: 93 581 10 21
E-mail: cultura.enviu@uab.cat
