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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Economist Xavier Sala-i-Martín to inaugurate new year at the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies

05 Oct 2018
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The Faculty of Economics and Business Studies will officially inaugurate the new 2018/19 academic year with an event to be held at the conference hall on 4 October at 12:30 p.m. Economist Xavier Sala-i-Martín will give the opening lecture.
Xavier Sala Martín
The inauguration of the new 2018/19 academic year will take place on 4 October at 12:30 p.m. at the faculty's conference hall. Catalan economist Xavier Sala-i-Martín will offer the opening lecture entitled “La quarta revolució industrial i la fi d’una era: ha mort l‘economia?” [The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the End of an Era: is the economy dead?]. Also participating in the event will be UAB Rector Margarida Arboix and Faculty Dean Hèctor Sala.

Sala-i-Martín earned his degree in Economics from the UAB and his PhD in Economics from Harvard, with a thesis entitled "On Growth and States". He is chair professor at Columbia University and has lectured at Yale and Harvard. Academically, he specialises in the study of economic growth, development economics, monetary economics, health economics, competitiveness, public economics and economic convergence.

The event will be streamed live in Aula 18, Bellaterra campus, and in the conference hall and Aula 13 of the faculty of the Sabadell campus, as well as on the UAB's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/UABBarcelona
