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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Economics Book of the Year 2019 for a handbook co-edited by professer Emili Grifell-Tatjé

18 Oct 2019
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The Association of Economists has awarded the Joan Sardà Dexeus Prize (ex aequo) for the book “The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis” , co-edited by Department of Business professor Emili Grifell-Tatjé. The awards ceremony took place on 30 October in Barcelona as part of the annual Economists Gala Dinner.
Emili Grifell-Tatjé Premi Col·legi Economistes
The Association of Economists has awarded the Joan Sardà Dexeus Prize to the Economics Book of the Year 2019 to “The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis”, co-edited by professor Emili Grifell-Tatjé from the Department of Business, alongside professors C.A. Knox Lovell from the University of Queensland, Australia, and Robin C. Sickles from Rice University, US. The prize is awarded by the Association of Economists and forms part of the Economics Journal of Catalonia awards since 1996 to the most relevant book in Economics and Business. The awards ceremony took place on 30 October in Barcelona during the annual Economists Gala Dinner.

The book provides a complete study of the importance of productivity growth for businesses, economy and social and economic progress. It analyses how productivity is defined, measured and implemented. Economy considers productivity, the ability to provide more and more products and services, with the consumption of less or the same amount of resources, to be the main means of generating wealth. It also analyses the dispersion of productivity, through time and space, which can generate dynamics of resignation. Another point highlighted in the book is the research on the factors and obstacles hindering productivity growth, some of which are organisational and susceptible of being under the control of business managements, while others are institutional and are subject to interventions dictated by public policies.

Grifell-Tatjé is chair professor of Business Management at the UAB Faculty of Business and Economics. He was director of the Department of Business and director of the PhD programme "Doctorate in Economics, Management and Organization" (DEMO). His lines of research focus on the economics of business, the measurement of efficiency and productivity, business strategies and economic regulation. He has made theoretical and applied contributions in these lines of research. His previous projects include the book "Productivity Accounting: The Economics of Business Performance" (2015, Cambridge University Press). He has been main researcher in competitive projects chosen in different calls and visiting professor at several research centres of excellence in Europe, the United States and Australia.

More information:
Social Sciences Library, UAB
Thanksgiving Parliament by Professor Emili Grifell-Tatjé at the award ceremony of the 2019 Best Economics Prize
