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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Easy reading comission

26 Feb 2021
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FAS volunteers participate in the Easy Reading Commission at Vall d’Hebron Hospital to help relatives and patients to better understand the medical information they receive.

Voluntariat de la FAS ajuda als pacients a entendre els materials mèdics

Volunteers from the FAS social and healthcare programme, together with such organisations as the Red Cross, Oncolliga and AFANOC, are working with Vall d’Hebron Hospital to guarantee the right to comprehensible information. This is all possible thanks to the Easy Reading project, a commission set up in order to adapt all the information that the hospital’s patients receive about their pathologies and the measures to care for them to make the content more comprehensible by modifying the technical vocabulary used. 

The commission’s role, together with contributions from patients, is therefore to assess and improve the quality of the content, design and readability of clinical and healthcare documents. This commission is aimed at all kinds of patients, but especially those with intellectual disabilities or dyslexia, as well as children and new arrivals who have difficulty understanding the language. 

The commission’s team of reviewers is made up of 5 representatives of different patient associations and 3 members of the local Health Council, making a total of 8 reviewers who are changed each year. The project has begun in the form of monthly online meetings. However, the intention is for the committee to be able to hold face-to-face meetings in the future. 

This is one of the activities on the social and health programme designed to improve people’s experience when in hospital. But it is not the only one. Throughout the year, social and healthcare volunteers accompany and share their time with children and their families while they are in hospital. The goal is to support their recovery and boost their overall well-being through workshops, guidance activities and group sessions for emotional management.


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  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
