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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Donations campaign to raise money for UAB Refugees grants for Ukrainian students

24 May 2022
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With the outbreak of war in the Ukraine, the number of refugees has grown in the world. To help lessen the impact of this tragedy, the UAB has begun a campaign to raise money for the UAB Refugees Grants fund. Make your donation today and help Ukranian students continue with their studies!

Campanya Beques UAB Refugi Ucraïna

In views of the armed conflict occuring in Ukraine and the growing number of refugees around the world, the UAB is searching for ways to work towards peace and help those affected by this crisis. 

Thanks to motivated members of our university community, a new crowdfunding campaign "Beques #UABRefugi, emergència Ucraïna" will be launched to raise money for #UABRefugi grants for the 2022/23 academic year and thus help students affected by the war in Ukraine. 

The grants will be an additional help to the free tuition fees offered to refugees and will help to cover the costs of travelling, material, technological needs and other academically-related costs.

Seeking refuge and abandoning their studies

According to the latest data by Acnur, over one-third of the whole population of Ukraine has had to flee their home. Over 6 million people have become refugees overnight and 8 million are now internally displaced people.

Becoming a refugee also implies abandoning one's studies and giving up on future dreams. Only 3% of refugee students have access to unviersity, when compared to the global index of people enrolled, which reaches 40% (Unesco, 2022).  Those who manage to continue their studies face enormous difficulties as they try to complete their studies, due to legal, social and economic vulnerability and discrimination, and the effects on women is even harsher.

The UAB, a refugee university

The UAB campus welcomes and provides support to many students needing international protection. Since 2016, the Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS) includes a refugee welcome programme (Programa d’Acollida per a persones en cerca de refugi), which focuses on defending the rights of forcefully displaced people.

Over 400 refugees have participated in the programme, receiving housing on the UAB campus or neighbouring towns and volunteer support and training initiatives for their university studies.   

The #UABRefugi grants has made it possible for 45 young refugees to continue and complete their studies alongside local students.

Making a donation

Donations can be made to help guarantee that young students from Ukraine can continue their studies. Tell your friends about it and share the information online!!

You can also contribute to building peace by becoming informed, using scientific resources offered by the university; reflecting on and promoting dialogue and peace culture values; and becominig inolved in social and political actions.

What is UAB doing to help in the Ukraine conflict?

Given this humanitarian crisis, the UAB reaffirms its commitment with refugee communities around the world and strives to help those directly affected the war in Ukraine to continue their university studies.

The university helps members of the UAB community affected by the conflict through its extraordinary emergency grants programme and has increased the budget of its #UABRefugi grants to offer support to more students needing international protection so that they can restart their studies at the UAB in the 2022/23 academic year.  

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
