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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

"De la UAB al món" sessions will inform students on exchange programmes at UAB

10 Oct 2018
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Do you wish to study abroad next year but you don't know how? From October 16th to 25th there will be De la UAB al món talks addressed to students who wish to study abroad.
International Day
If you are a student at UAB and you are considering taking part in a mobility programme in the 2019/2020 academic year, you can now participate in the De la UAB al món sessions from October 16th to October 25th 2018. During this week there will be different activities to inform students about the procedures to apply and the different destinations that they can consider.

The first part will be organised by the International Relations department with two sessions on general information in which necessary procedures to apply for a mobility programme and their deadlines will be explained. These sessions will take place on Tuesday October 16th and Thursday October 18th at 1pm at the Auditori in the Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres. It is essential to book a spot beforehand by filling in this form.

In the second part there will be sessions according to the area of studies where students will have the opportunity to talk to local students who have studied abroad as well as with international students who are doing their exchange here in UAB. This way, those interested in doing an exchange will get to know the others' experiences first-hand and more about the destinations they are interested in and, at the same time, make any questions they have. These sessions will take place at Hotel d'Entitats from October 22nd to October 25th at 1pm. Prior registration is also needed for this session. You can check this link to know your session.
