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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Dance performance against chauvinistic violence

25 Nov 2019
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In commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Observatory for Equality at UAB is organising an event next Monday 25th of November that is going to include the reading of a manifesto and a dance performance at 13:30h in Plaça Cívica.
The performance will be using the music of Rosalía, specifically her song "Pienso en tu mirá (Cap.3: Celos)".
Next Monday 25th of November, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Observatory for Equality at UAB is organising an event that is going to include the reading of a manifesto and a dance performance at 13:30h in Plaça Cívica.

This year, we joined the manifesto presented by universities and the i-CERCA institutes in the Inter-university Council of Catalonia's Women in Science Committee. We point out sexual violence and warn that "a sexual aggression on a woman is not an isolated incident but another expression of the patriarchal structure". The manifesto calls for working together on the implication of all the administrations and social agents with the aim of eradicating all sexist violence.

This event pretends to draw attention to all of the different levels of sexual violence against women and against people that are not part of the cisheteronorm. We find the most visible expression of this violence on femicides. This year, 51 femicide cases have been officially recorded in Spain. In Catalonia, an average of two women per month is murdered due to chauvinism, most of them at the hands of their partners or expartners. The official figures of this year already surpass last year's sexist murders.

The event will be presented by Sara Moreno, the Vicerector of the Students and Occupation Committee, and Maria Prats Ferret, the director of the Observatory, will be reading the manifesto. After that, the dance show will start. Prepared and performed by the Aula de Dansa of the UAB and directed by Laia Santanach, the performance will be using the music of Rosalía, specifically her song Pienso en tu mirá (Cap.3: Celos). 

This year the UAB will also place the purple bow in memory of the women that have suffered sexist violence. It will be placed on the 18th of November in the facade of the Agora building at Plaça Cívica.

At the local level, the most remarkable event is the demonstration that will take place on the same day by feminist communities. This year, the protest will be at 18:30h in els Jardinets de Gràcia of Barcelona. In addition, there are planned activities in all the territory during the previous and following days of the 25th to raise awareness and report all of kinds of sexual violence.

- POSTER Xarxa d'Unitats d'Igualtat de Gènere de les Universitats Espanyoles per a l'Excel·lència Universitària
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