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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Dance, music and theatre groups at the UAB announce their performances and concerts

08 Apr 2019
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The groups Aules de Dansa, Música i Teatre will present their work in shows and concerts during the months of April and May. The first performance will be Tres hiverns by the Grup Estable de Teatre.
Imatge Notícia Escena UAB
During the end of April and up until the end of May, Sala Teatre UAB will host the own-creation performances by Aules de Dansa, Música i Teatre Escena UAB. These performances are a result of the work done throughout the year. This will bring theatre and contemporary dance closer to the student community for free at the same time that new artistic trends are promoted and boosted.

Grup Estable de Teatre will start first with their Tres hiverns by Croatian author Tena Štivičić. The play , directed by Ricard Gázquez, covers three generations of a family, where conflicts, joy and distress are reflected as a mirror with the situations and tensions that the country goes through in different historical periods: from the end of World War II with traces of the old monarchy, the years of the communist regime’s control up until the breakup with Yugoslavia and the opening to a capitalist system. You can see it on Monday 29 April at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday 30 April at 1:00 p.m. or Thursday 2 May at 6:00 p.m.

Dansa Contemporània d’iniciació and Dansa Contemporània de nivell mig will follow. The first group, directed by David Nóvoa, will dance to a the short piece SCLAT, a choreography that will show all movements learnt throughout the course. On the other hand, the more advanced group, directed by Laia Santanach, will present Dark Red, a choreography that works as an allegory of all contemporary human injustices that we all contribute in and we watch from a silent distance. Both pieces will be performed on 8 May.

Members of the Iniciació a la Interpretació Teatral group, directed by Màrcia Cisteró, will present Llibràlegs on 16 May. This play will consist of several scenes from different authors with theatrical dialogues in which books or the raw material they are made of (words) are an essential part of the conversation.

The last group to play will be Interpretació Teatral: de la sala d’assaig a escena with the play Procés de selecció by Christopher Bollas, directed by Arnau Vidal. The play is about a selection process of a company leader in their field that looks for candidates with unbeatable professional experience. They will perform this play on 28 and 29 May.

On the other hand, the Aula de Música , both the Chorus and the+ Orchestra, will celebrate the 50 Years of UAB in a concert in Palau de la Música Catalana. This concert will count on the participation of Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès, Cor Jove and Cor de Noies de l’Orfeó Català and the song writer, musician and former UAB student Marc Timón.

We encourage you to come and enjoy the performances!

Location: Plaça Cívica, Campus de Bellaterra.
Capacity: 137 people.
Free entrance limited to the room’s capacity.
Ticket office will open half an hour before the start of the show.
Seats cannot be pre-booked. Only one ticket will be given per person.

