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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Course in feminist and antiracist practices in higher education

27 Apr 2021
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The Erasmus+ Bridges project offers an online and free course in "Building Solidaritys. Feminist and Antiracist practices in Higher Education". Registration open until May 14.

Summer Course Erasmus+ Bridges

The Erasmus+ Bridges project offers a course on feminist and anti-racist practices in higher education. Online and free online, from 29 June to 23 July.

From 29 June to 23 July 2021, the online Summer School “Building Solidarity. Feminist and Anti-racist Practices in Higher Education” will take place. The course is organised by the Erasmus+ Bridges project entitled "Building Inclusive Societies: Diversifying Knowledge and Tackling Discrimination Through Civil Society Participation in Universities".

This course proposes:

  • To provide the tools needed to analyse the mechanisms and conditions of institutional inequality that are produced and reproduced within Higher Education.
  • To explore and deepen the undertsanding of key theories, concepts and practices related to anti-racist and feminist struggles.
  • To experiment with, and put into practice, pedagogical methods and strategies that challenge racism and discrimination within and outside the classroom.
  • To promote participants’ role as agents of change within Higher Education Institutions.

The methodologies used are based on participatory action research and collaborative work, and will be facilitated by members of the BRIDGES project consortium, which include: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ​​Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, University of Brighton, Feminist Autonomous Center for Research, Sindillar / Sindihogar, an.ge.kommen e. V. and Za’atar.

The course workload consists of 75 hours (equivalent to 3 ECTS), distributed from Monday to Thursday, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The vehicular language will be English.

This course is addressed to Master students, PhD students or early career teachers of any discipline, linked to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), JLU Giessen (Germany), University of Brighton (United Kingdom), FACR (Greece) and ODD / Prism (United Kingdom / Greece).

Key dates:

  • 04/23 – Applications opening
  • 05/14 – Applications closure
  • 05/24 - Communication of selected participants
  • From 29.06.21 to 23.07.21 - Course

More information:
Bridges Summer School
Officials masters degree's
UAB-specific master's degrees and graduate diplomas
