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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Cassuto, Wise, Rowan, Favre and Gavinelli to visit the UAB master's degree in Animal Law and Society

22 May 2015
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Five of the most prestigious international specialists in animal law will be giving lectures during the month of June as part of the master's degree programme.
Màster en Dret Animal i Societat
In June, the UAB master's degree in Animal Law and Society will include five of the most prestigious experts in the field of animal law:

- David Cassuto from Pace University, specialist in animal and environmental law. Director of the Brazil-American Institute for Law & Environment.

- Steven Wise, President of the Nonhuman Rights Project, who recently was granted a court hearing in Manhattan requesting a writ of habeas corpus for two chimpanzees, Leo and Hercules, based on principles of liberty and equality.

- Andrew Rowan, former director of Tufts University Center for Animals and Public Policy and President and CEO of Humane Society International (the world's largest and most important animal protection society, as well as a partner in the master's degree in Animal Law and Society).

- David Favre, of the State University of Michigan, considered one of the founding fathers of animal law, and member of projects and publications of the SGR Research Group ADS-UAB.

- Andrea Gavinelli, Head of the Animal Welfare Units at DG SANCO and at the European Commission and current EU curator for the Expo Milano 2015. He is one of the master's degree lecturers and this year will be presiding the closing session of the programme on 26 June at the Faculty of Law.
The book "Animals i Dret. Animals and the Law" was recently published by David Favre and Teresa Giménez-Candela. This is the first book in the "Animals i Dret" series published by Tirant Lo Blanch and the SGR Research Group ADS-UAB. It is also the first book published in Spain on animal law and with international participation.

More information:
Master's Degree in Animal Law and Society

(Photo: Nonhuman Rights Project)
