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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

"Barcelona is an amazing place for students"

28 Sep 2021
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They have arrived from Sweden and Germany to be the first in living the Business & Management experience, the new Study Abroad programme for master's degree students.

Students B&M programme 2021

Business and Management Programme (B&M) is the first Study Abroad programme for students who have a Bachelor's Degree and are currently enrolled in a masters or postgraduate programme, and who seek to do a part of these studies at a foreign university. Between September and December the programme offers elective subjects in the Business and Management field, together with optional Spanish or Catalan language classes, at the UAB campus in downtown Barcelona. The students get UAB certification on completion with transferable credits at their home university.

The first group of master's degree students that has chosen our university to broaden their education through this programme are already in Barcelona and have started classes. Coming from universities in Sweden and Germany, their experiences and motivations are varied.

The city, the campus and the educational contents: three weighty reasons

“Barcelona is a lovely city to explore”, says Linnea Huang, from Linköping University in Sweden. “It is a perfect location”, according to Oscar Saefström, from the same institution. “I have never been here before but I have heard that it is an amazing place for students and I agree”, Madeleine Jacobson comments, also from Linköping, like Jakob Salemyr, who is happy to be able to get to know the city not only as a tourist.

The campus in Barcelona, its centric location and its architectural appeal were decisive for Erica Dellien, from the same Swedish university, who highlights the simplicity and smoothness of the register procedure at the centre.

For her part, Yonca Sama Demen, from Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences in Germany, saw in the great range of marketing subjects of the programme an opportunity to deepen her knowledge in this field, which is also rellevant for Natalia Masri, from Linköping: she has chosen the programme for its strategic side. Gustav Bo Stefan Sjöstedt, from the Swedish university as well, thinks alike and seeks to acquire a comprehensive marketing ground for further studies and a job later on. Also from Linköping, Mikaela Tegstroem believes that the contents and real cases of the B&M programme will help her build up her management knowledge, like Hjalmar Gustafsson, that expects to “learn more about managing businesses, especially in a ethical, sustainable and modern way”.

One of the teachers, Myriam Hikimura, who teaches the subject "Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies", values very positively the capacity of critical thinking that has observed in the group and is delighted to start the programme with students of this disposition.

Meeting people, making friends, improve their Spanish, discover aspects of a different culture, experience higher education in another country, and broaden horizons and perspectives are only a few examples of what the students of the new B&M programme expect of their stay in Barcelona and at the UAB. With the energy and the motivation they show, the goals seem guaranteed.
