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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Article 32 and Chapter&Code

09 May 2016
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What is Article 32 of the Horizon 2020 Model Grant Agreement and what does it foresee?

The H2020 Annotated Model Grant Agreement (General MGA: August 2014) devotes Art. 32 to 'Recruitment and Working Conditions for Researchers'. This article is not an evaluation criterion; therefore it does not help institutions when applying for H2020 funding. However, as specified under Chapter 6, following a check, audit, extension of audit findings, review or OLAF investigation, the H2020 grant beneficiary may be requested to provide evidence that Art. 32 has been duly applied. Within this frame, the HR logo may be considered a proof â though not the only one - of the implementation of the C&C principles.
More information: http://www.euraxess.es/eng/rights/article-32-horizon-2020-grant-agreement
