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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Are you a UAB students enrolled in communication and want to sign up for a work placement?

13 Jul 2023
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Are you studying a bachelor's degree or master's degree at the Faculty of Communication Studies and would like to do a work placement at the UAB Area of Communication and Promotion? We are offering work placements for 11 students!

Pràctiques Àrea Comunicació i Promoció

Open call! If you are interested in a work placement in which you can form part of a press, corporate communication or marketing team, this work placement is for you!

We are offering 11 work placements at the UAB Area of Communication and Promotion:

  • 8 work placements in the UAB Communication team, at different faculties around campus, to provide support for the management of news on the faculties' websites and social networks. To find the offer in Nexus, please search for "Pràctiques de suport a la Unitat de Comunicació de l'Àrea de Comunicació i Promoció". Call for applications open until 18 July.
  • 3 work placements in the Promotion team, to provide support for the management of promotional activities (Open Doors, virtual fairs, Family Day, etc.) or in the web promotion of these same activities and the UAB brand content, as well as in the creation of informative and promotional content, both at undergraduate, master's and postgraduate level. To find the offer in Nexus, please search for  "Suport a promoció digital de grau", "Suport a promoció digital de màster i postgrau" o "Suport a la gestió dels esdeveniments de promoció". The call for applications is open until 20 July.

Convocatòria oberta per a estudiants d’estudis oficials (grau o màster) de la Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació, amb un mínim de 120 crèdits ECTS superats en el cas del grau, i que us matriculeu en el curs 2023-2024. Només en el cas que quedin places lliures, farem una nova convocatòria el mes de setembre.

El procés de selecció es realitzarà a finals de juliol, amb incorporació prevista durant el mes de setembre.

L’ajut a l’estudi és de 7,46€ bruts l’hora, cosa que implica que per una estada de 3h diàries de dilluns a divendres es percep un ajut de més de 400€ bruts mensuals.

Open call for students of official programme (bachelor's or master's degree) of the Faculty of Communication Studies, with a minimum of 120 ECTS credits passed in the case of bachelor's degrees, and who are enrolled in the 2023/24 academic year. Only in the event that there are vacancies, we will make a new call for applications in the month of September.

The selection process will take place at the end of July, with incorporation expected during the month of September.

The study allowance is €7.46 gross per hour, which means that for a 3-hour stay from Monday to Friday you will receive an allowance of more than €400 gross per month.

Any questions? Please write to us at a.comunicacio.promocio@uab.cat


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Nexus UAB
