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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Andreu Grau wins the Ferran Canyameres Novel Award

28 Jun 2024
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Terrassa-born Andreu Grau won the 2024 Ferran Canyameres Novel Award for his book Travessa el buit. The Ferran Canyameres Award is the oldest award in the mystery novel category and this year celebrates its 33rd edition. 

Andreu Grau guanya el premi Ferran Canyameres de novel·la
Andreu Grau guanya el premi Ferran Canyameres de novel·la

The awards ceremony of these literary prizes organised by Òmnium Terrassa take place each summer on "Mystery Night". This year's edition took place on 26 June.

Andreu Grau Fontanals, member of the UAB Area for Prevention and Assistance, won the main prize, the 2024 Ferran Canyameres Award in the category of mystery novel. The award includes a cash prize of €5,500 and includes the publication of his book entitled Travessa el buit.
