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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

AEInnova receives BBVA Prize for Innovation in Environmental Sustainability

15 Jul 2020
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The company Alternative Energy Innovation (AEInnova), a spin-off of the Department of Microelectronics, received the BBVA Prize for Innovation in Environmental Sustainability for the development of a technology capable of capturing residual industrial heat and turning it into clean energy.

AEInnova guanya el Premi BBVA a la Innovació en Sostenibilitat Mediambiental

In this first edition of the prize, which included a cash prize of 10,000 euros, some 60 proposals were presented by small and medium-sized enterprises around Catalonia working on sustainable projects or processes.

The jury awarded first prize to AEInnova for its "innovative project which contributes to a circular economy, applicable and with an impact on the industrial sector, created thanks to university research". Specifically, the technology has been developed to capture residual heat emitted by industrial activities and turn it into clean energy. This is done through two lines of action. First, through the improvement of the industry's energetic efficiency, turning heat into electricity, and second, the creation of industrial sensors fueled with residual heat and which therefore do not need batteries.

The prize, conferred by the Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalanes and the BBVA, is based on the 2030 Agenda framework passed by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Affordable and clean energy
