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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

A monographic course with credit recognition to discuss current issues on sexualities

08 Oct 2024
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The health programme of the UAB's Solidarity Foundation (FAS) presents its new monographic course entitled “Sexualities: a look beyond the norm”. This set of workshops, scheduled for November and which can be validated for ECTS credits, offers an opportunity to explore the most recent and necessary debates surrounding sexualities in today's society. Topics such as consent and limits, sex work, the complexity of prevention, as well as the need to broaden the understanding of pleasure, desire and limits, will be addressed with a critical and gender perspective.

Taller sexualitats: una mirada més enllà de la norma

The FAS health programme offers on 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 and 28 November, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., the monographic course entitled “Sexualities: a look beyond the norm”. This is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a space for debate and reflection that will allow participants to analyse the diversity of sexual experiences and their social implications. The speakers will be experts on the subject, both from FAS itself and from other social organisations, and will offer a space for learning, reflection and debate with a transformative perspective.

The course is worth 2 ECTS credits (40 euros). Those interested can sign up at the following link: https://www.uab.cat/web/voluntariat/sexualitats-una-mirada-mes-enlla-de-la-norma-1345873115824.html

In addition, those participating in the workshops can sign up to volunteer in one of the programmes managed by FAS, which can then be validated for up to 12 ECTS credits. These credits have an added value for students who wish to broaden their academic training while contributing to the welfare of the university community.
