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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

“We want a public, free, high-quality university at the service of the working class”

15 Nov 2018
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Interview to Front d’Estudiants, a labor union that stands for the Senate elections to represent students.
Front Estudiants
Front d’Estudiants is a student labor union organized across the whole country. Our union groups work in centers of studies, institutes and faculties –UAB faculties too- to build an education that accommodate our interests and needs and the interests of the working class’ families.
What are your proposals as candidates?
As a labor union, we have a set of objectives and we will highlight the following:
1.Opposition to any kind of participation, direct or indirect, when managing education.
2. Fight for a truly public education management in which the educational community plays a crucial role in decision-making situations.
3. Doing internships as work experience in public bodies with its pertinent remuneration and never substituting a worker.
4. Having free transportation and dining room for students throughout their academic career.
5. Establish mechanisms for accountability and to abolish all elected roles and direction at education centers.
6. Understanding of the professors, non-teaching and services staff demands, because we believe that a high-quality education should be built taking into consideration the demands of the whole Educational Community.
7. Improvement of timetables and extension of study areas in libraries. All students should be able to use libraries independent of their work, academic or socio-familiar situation. Moreover, the quantity of students attending the library should be foretold so that no student is left without a place where to study.
8. Promoting that the computer system uses free software. Furthermore, access to technological progresses should be given to all students who need it.
What model of university do you suggest?
We want a public, free, high-quality university at the service of the working class.
