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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

“#UABrefuge: the Autonomous shelters”, the new FM UAB 2018 motto

20 Jun 2018
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The UAB announces the new FM UAB 2018 motto in the Day of the Refugee: “#UABrefuge: the Autonomous shelters”.
UABrefugi: l'Autònoma acull
The United Nations General Assembly declared in 2001 the 20th June the Day of the Refugee in order to remember the millions of people forced to leave their countries to save their lives. Seventeen years later, the situation is worse: according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), globally more than 65 million people have been forced to leave their homes.
For this reason, and because of the Day of the Refugee, the UAB announces the new motto for the FM of this year. It will also be the topic for the activities: “#UABrefuge: the Autonomous shelters”. The vice rector of Students and Employability, Sara Moreno, explains why this motto was chosen in a Facebook video of the UAB FM. Since 2016, thanks to the collaboration between the UAB and the Catalan Commission of Help for the Refugees, the Autonomous Solidarity Foundation coordinates the Shelter Program, which shelters refugees in the Vila.
In 2016, the UNHCR started the campaing #WithRefugees to ask to the world leaders to collaborate before this situation. The European Union established a toll of refugees for the different country members that is far to be achieved. The last news of Spain regarding refugees is the arrival to the Valencia shore, last Sunday 17th, of 630 immigrants that the humanitarian ship Aquarius rescued in the Mediterranean sea.
