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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

4th Teaching Innovation Session at the UAB

25 Apr 2023
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On 10 May the UAB will hold the 4th Teaching Innovation Session, organised by the Coordination of Teaching Innovation and Training of the Institute for Education Science and the Professional Training and Development Unit. The event will take place at the Rectorat building and at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Jornades d'Innovació Docent

The objective of this session is to create a place for reflection where experiences can be shared among those interested in innovation in education. It will be organised into three different sessions and held at the conference hall of the Rectorat building:

- 9:30 a.m.: Inaugural conference on youth in a hyperdigital era (Generació Blockchain: la joventut en l'era hiperdigital) by Dr Carles Freixa.

- 10:30 a.m.: Debate on teaching innovation challenges (Reptes de la Innovació Docent a la UAB) by Dr Sònia Parella, Dr Jessica Jaques, Dr Aura Hernández and Dr Sònia Casillas.

- 12 p.m.: Awards ceremony (Premi Excel·lència Docent 2022) in which Rector Javier Lafuente will award the 2022 Teaching Excellence Award to Dr Carme Mangiron. 

From 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., the following workshops will be held at the UAB Faculty of Veterinary Medicine:

- Projecte ECIU: La perspectiva de gènere en l'aprenentatge per reptes i micromòduls, presented by Anna Cros and conducted by Begonya Sáez (Department of Philosophy). Seminar B.

- Com treballar els ODS a la docència, presented by Carmen Ruiz Bueno and conducted by Silvia Puente (Department of Educational Theories and Social Pedagogy). Room 8.

- Foment del benestar emocional a les aules universitàries, presented by Anna Ortiz and conducted by Anna Muro (Department of Basic, Developmental and Educational Psychology). Room 9.

For more information and to sign up to the sessions please visit 4th Teaching Innovation Session at the UAB.
