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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

How to improve resilience to climate change of Pyrenean livestock

23 Oct 2024
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Researchers at the UAB are involved in an inter-regional European project to adapt pastoral mountain systems to the challenges of climate change and mitigate its effects. The project deals with both improving native cattle and sheep breeds, and protecting and promoting livestock practices and traditions.

Raça bovina bruna dels Pirineus

The research team aims to implement optimised programmes to mitigate the impact of climate change on livestock production of the Pyrenees, which is severely affected by the ecological modifications of pastures. One of the strategies is being led by Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery researcher Joan Enric Rodríguez Gil. The Research Group on Domestic Mammal Reproduction directed by Rodríguez Gil will work on two aspects. First, it will genetically evaluate cattle herds, to set down new genetic selection lines to help current Pyrenean breeds evolve and improve their resistance to new climate conditions. Second, it will aid cattle breed associations in managing bulls, with the aim of learning to evaluate their validity as studs.

The project also intends to set up educational and cooperative networks to favour and optimise the extensive livestock production systems being used, such as improving and adapting transhumance trails and working on pastures and land with the aim of optimising feed yields for livestock.

In total, the actions must lead to the strengthening of social and economic integration under changing conditions in all cross-border regions of the Spanish, French and Andorran Pyrenees, which is a fundamental objective of the European Programme POCTEFA.

Led by the University of Zaragoza, the project will last 4 years and has an overall budget of approximately 2 million euros, of which about 40,000 euros will be allocated to the study conducted by the UAB research group. Also participating in the project are the Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón, the Federació Raça Bruna dels Pirineus, as well as the CFPPA Ariège-Comminges, the Chambre de Agriculture de la Ariège, the Association du Gasconne des Pyrenées, the Departament d'Agricultura i Ramaderia of the Government of Andorra, and the Federació Raça Bruna d'Andorra.
