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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

25 Sep 2015
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The fall is here once again and the UAB starts to prepare the Festa Major that will take place on November 5th.
Festa Major 2015
On November 5th 2015, from 1 pm to 9 pm, will take place the #FMUAB. It is a civic and participative festivity that allows all the community to enjoy the UAB campus and participate with their own activities. Students and workers are equally invited to participate in the organization and programming of the event. Every year the #FMUAB spreads all over the Bellaterra campus, from the plaça Cívica to the plaça del Coneixement. There wil be performances, scheduled through the contest Autònoma Actua, students' stands and an Associations' Fair. From Setember 28th on, anyone who is part of the UAB community can send proposals of activities and performances.

On one hand, if you are a group of students and would like to manage a stand, you should pay attention to the following directives and present a request before the 20th October.
However, not only students but all UAB members can propose activities and present a service, research group, department, association, governing body or project at the Associations' Fair in plaça Cívica. You should only send an email descriving the project/service you'd like to present. The timing will be essential to select which projects/services will be part of the Fair, as well as the non-lucrative aim of the institution to be presented.
On the other hand, if you'd like to perform at the #FMUAB dancing, singing, playing an instrument... you should apply to the contest Autònoma Actua. It is meant to promote cultural activities at the university performed by students, workers and teachers who have artistic initiatives or a music, dancing or theater group. Those who would like to be part of the programme of the UAB cultural spaces, either at the FMUAB, Sala Teatre or at the general yearly programme of Cultura en Viu shoul apply to Autònoma Actua.
All participants of the #FMUAB are responsible of its development, as well as of it inclusive, non-sexist and participative character. One new feature of this year's FMUAB is that 25 students are required to give support to the tasks of informing the community, dealing with the students' stands and the services and projects of the associations fair, and helping with the environmental management of the event. The group should be of at least 25 students and there will be an economic compensation for the task. Check out the conditions to present your application.

Every year over 20.000 people attend to the #FMUAB.
- Check out the images of other years at Flickr.
- Check out the video of the FMUAB 2014 here:
