
Un paper que converteix la calor residual en energia elèctrica produït a l'ICMAB

A paper that converts waste heat into electricity

Researchers at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) have created a new thermoelectric material: a paper capable of converting waste heat into electricity. These devices could be used to generate electricity from residual heat to feed sensors in the field of the Internet of Things, Agriculture 4.0 or Industry 4.0.

Biennal Ciutat i Ciència

UAB researchers participate in the City and Science Biennial

From 7 to 11 February Barcelona will be celebrating the first edition of the City and Science Biennial, with over 90 science popularisation activities to bring science closer to society. The biennial includes the collaboration of some 120 entities, including the UAB, and almost 140 science professionals.

Taula Periòdica

The UAB participates in the International Year of the Periodic Table

Department of Chemistry Professor Pilar González Duarte will be in charge of inaugurating this international year in Catalonia with a conference entitled “150 Years of an Essential Scientific Discovery: the Periodic Table” on Tuesday 5 February at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona.

La UAB crea la CORE d’Educació i Ocupabilitat

The UAB creates the CORE in Education and Employability

With the aim of meeting the needs of society in terms of education and employability, the UAB has created a new strategic research community (CORE) whose main objective is to make the research into these fields more visible and facilitate knowledge transfer from researchers to their surroundings.